About this blog

News and analysis of developments in the enterprise communication industry and market with primary focus on Europe.

The author aims to tap into ideas, insights and thoughts of the readers to get varied perspectives.

Views expressed in this blog are solely the author's opinion and in no way reflect those of his employer.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Skype doesn't have a PBX

Today I spoke to Michael Jackson. Yes, you read it right. Michael Jackson, Director of Operations for Skype discussed his company and its vision. He came across as very helpful. During the discussion he mentioned that Skype, a 500 strong organisation spread across Europe and North America doesnot have a PBX. wow! I said. He added that they have one external line for the reception. I wondered how did the receptionist transfer calls internally. Pat came the reply, "We use Bosky Box". Hmm, let me provide a little bit of background on Bosky. It is a small manufacturer based out of United Kingdom that has built a small box to connect Skype with a KTS/PBX or a phone.

So, all small enterprises out there reading this blog know that you need not invest in costly end points. You can do without. Not only do we have Bosky, but there are others who offer some kind of plug-ins. These can be used to interface with KTS and PBX in an enterprise. Skype as a standalone comes very handy to a traveller. Last year, Polycom announced the launch of a product that supported Skype. Asterisk is understood to be in discussions with Skype. That makes sense. A partnership will help create an interesting PBX solution for enterprises. Its interesting times for small enterprises.

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